mercredi 31 octobre 2012

LEGO Tank Robot :)

Hello world.

Today we made our Tank Robot with LEGOs ! Yay! We added some sensors for detecting the walls, we will soon work on the programming of it. Here are some images!
Front of the tank-car-robot (TCR)
Back of the TCR

TCR with it hoods open
TCR with it hoods open from above

fyi : As you can see the little   heads with two eyes are actually the sensors.

Careful under the rainbows.

 - bubble

mardi 30 octobre 2012

Hello world

Hello world!

Rainbow Unicorn Nation is a production of projects (mostly games) made by three IT professionals from Switzerland. Most of theses games will be free to play and open sources.

Most of our games are made with HTML5 & Javascript technologies. It is possible that we code with other languages as well.
Here are some of our projects:

Château Destroyer

A dynamic game of castle destroyer with cannons and ammunition.
The game is still under development
Made by Palmito

Dungeon Crawler

A dynamic game of dungeon crawling like the famous 'Dungeon Master'
The game is still under development
Made by bubble

We will update you with further changes of the projects or others.

Thanks and good bye!

Careful under the rainbows.